SAVIS coordinated with VTV, Google Cloud, and VIDTI to organize a Workshop on Modernizing Infrastructure for management, operation, production, and content distribution on the Cloud environment.

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On the afternoon of June 9, the Workshop “Modernizing infrastructure for management, operation, production and distribution of content on the Cloud environment” was held with the participation of many experts and technology engineers in the television industry.

The Workshop was okaySAVIS cooperates with Vietnam Television, Google Cloud and VIDTI Digital Transformation and Innovation Institute.

This is an opportunity for experts to identify the challenges of the new OTT (Over The Top) trend in the television industry, discuss cloud technology with maximum flexibility and seamless service experience. for readers, from there there are solutions for the need to move from On-premise environment to Cloud for VTV’s current infrastructure.

Mr. Dinh Dac Vinh – Deputy General Director of Vietnam Television gave the opening speech

Speaking at the opening of the Workshop, Mr. Dinh Dac Vinh emphasized: “The application of Cloud for the television industry is no longer a trend, but an inevitable requirement. The cloud platform gradually replaces machines, opening up new steps for operations, information exchange, and content distribution, especially in television station data storage.” According to him, the conference is an opportunity for the parties to discuss how to apply Loud in VTV’s production and content distribution effectively, to optimize operating costs.

Mr. Le Van Thanh – Google Solution Architect gave an opening presentation on “Trends in the Media – Entertainment industry and Google Cloud Media Solutions”. According to him, content strategy with online short videos is the center of the value chain, built from the triangle: individuals, community and technology, helping to retain viewers, attract advertisers and create to new audiences around the world. He emphasized: “Big problems, radical solutions, breakthrough technology from Google cloud will help television makers create “moonshot” leaps.

At the same time, Mr. Le Van Thanh also shared and demoed one of the most popular topics today: Generative AI and its applications in the management, operations, and production practices of television stations. image. This will be a new step forward in data warehouse extraction and information search, helping the station increase the multi-modal interactive experience for the audience.

Mr. Le Van Thanh – Google solution architect

Mr. Hoang Nguyen Van, Deputy Director of VIDTI Institute of Innovation and Digital Transformation, also provided an overview and multi-dimensional perspective on VTV’s application transformation model from On-premise environment to Cloud and Hybrid Cloud environments. . According to him, moving infrastructure and applications to the cloud computing environment is an inevitable trend in the television industry today. Moving infrastructure from On-premise to Cloud, combined withdata storage and digital content distributionUsing cloud computing technology will help the station “retain” viewers and optimize investment and operating costs.

Mr. Hoang Nguyen Van, Deputy Director of VIDTI Institute of Innovation and Digital Transformation, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SAVIS Company

Modernizing data infrastructure in the Cloud environment is considered a solution to help television stations reduce infrastructure construction costs, improve reliability and easily expand storage scale. Google Cloud Platform with differences in technology and operating policies will bring good experiences when converting infrastructure and applications from the On-premise environment to the TV station’s Cloud. Mr. Le Anh Tuan – Google Cloud Solution Engineer gave a presentation on: “Google Cloud’s core solutions for modernizing infrastructure and applications & security policies, compliance and security solutions on the environment.” cloud computing school”.

Mr. Le Anh Tuan – Google Cloud Solution Engineer presented online

In the television industry, analyzing data to draw audience portraits will help optimize and personalize content, while increasing advertising revenue for the station. This is a need and also an inevitable requirement in the current trend of digital transformation in the television industry. Mr. Nguyen Xuan Ha – Google data analyst gave a presentation “Building audience portraits with Google Unified Data Platform”, affirming that Google Search Analytics is a tool to help television stations get the most out of it. data, directly connect and deliver information to a global audience, while optimizing cost efficiency and modernizing infrastructure.

Mr. Nguyen Xuan Ha – Google data analyst presented online

The Workshop received many comments and discussions from experts and technology engineers in the television industry.

Mr. Nguyen Truong Giang, Director of the Center for Informatics and Television Technology, spoke at the Workshop

SAVIS accompanies VTV, coordinating with Google Cloud to bring a comprehensive solution system for the digital transformation of the television industry today. Hopefully the sharing and solutions introduced at the Workshop will help the station have a new direction to solve the problem of modernizing infrastructure and moving to the Cloud environment.

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