
In the era of Industry 4.0, the rapid integration of advanced technologies such as AI, IoT, and big data has generated an unprecedented volume of customer information. This has led to a need for a system that can effectively manage and analyze this deluge of data, enabling businesses to derive actionable insights for personalized marketing, enhanced customer experiences, and informed decision-making.


In the era of Industry 4.0, the rapid integration of advanced technologies such as AI, IoT, and big data has generated an unprecedented volume of customer information. This has led to a need for a system that can effectively manage and analyze this deluge of data, enabling businesses to derive actionable insights for personalized marketing, enhanced customer experiences, and informed decision-making.


Media-X CDP 360 Big Data is a solution that collects, analyzes, and integrates customer data, managing user identity across enterprise management systems, social networks, internet services, OTT platforms, and real-time connections with third-party identity systems.
The solution enables the collection, analysis, and integration of user activities and behaviors across diverse platforms, establishing a holistic customer profile from various digital applications and services to enhance products, content, advertising, user experience, and business efficiency.


“Media-X CDP 360 Big Data is a solution that collects, analyzes, and integrates customer data, managing user identity across enterprise management systems, social networks, internet services, OTT platforms, and real-time connections with third-party identity systems.
The solution enables the collection, analysis, and integration of user activities and behaviors across diverse platforms, establishing a holistic customer profile from various digital applications and services to enhance products, content, advertising, user experience, and business efficiency.”




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